Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Healthy Eating Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

How to lose weight in a week? This is a query that every over weighted person may need an answer to. Overweight people are always in search of a fast and effective way to lose weight. It has been considered that there are two important factors that rule your body weight. First is the amount of calorie that you eat and the second is the amount of calories that you burn through physical work. Losing weight requires you to decrease the intake of calories and increase the fat burning process. Below are some healthy eating tips for how to lose weight in a week.

Eat healthy food. If you eat healthy regularly, you will gradually feel the change and certainly lose weight.
Eat slowly and chew the food properly. Proper chewing of food prevents your intestines from working more in the digestion process. Moreover, when you eat slow, you can feel the food in your tummy and possibly know when to stop. A human mind may take about 20 minutes to respond to whether the stomach is full or not. Therefore, take light meals many times a day rather than eating heavy meals. When eating heavy meals you may not get the feeling of fullness even though you are full. 
 Avoid junk foods and high calorie foods. Over some period of time you will certainly see the change.
Use a BMI calculator to check your weight. It will tell you what is the expected weight for you and how much weight you need to lose.
Avoid oily and spicy foods. Try to include maximum of fresh and raw fruits in your diet.

Beverages like tea, coffee are not good for weight loss. Alcohol has been seen to effect a lot in weight gain. Avoid alcohol from your diet. If you are a regular drinker you will have to stop the habit of drinking otherwise any weight loss plan is not going to work for you. Weekly drinking in limit may not affect much if you are following all other preventive measures.

Take fiber rich food. Fiber has many benefits on the human body. It helps in a proper bowel movement in the intestine. Fiber also binds some of the fats and gets it excreted through your system.

When shifting to a new food habit, do not make an instant change. Your body loves a gradual change. Try to make the change gradually by adding some healthy foods and avoiding those unhealthy ones.
Hope that the above discussed tips prove help

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